Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Square Peg, Round Hole

Where am I, and where do I belong?
This is the question I have been contemplating within me, and I have been praying for God to lead me in the direction he wants, but it seems all things are coming too a stand still. It is not a new concept for me not to fit in very well, never have, never will completely, I'm just too unique, and most of the time that is just fine. But I have felt very complacent and stuck lately especially with my walk with God. It is not as if I question anything, and I do all the shoulds, like read my bible, pray, go to church, and I participate in House Churches, and at the College Christian group UteNited at the U. I try to fill my life with God, but it seems lately I have been doing everything, and it feels like I am kind of spinning my tires and not going anywhere, like something is missing, it is beginning to annoy me. I know maybe I just need more patience, or maybe the Lord is trying to tell me something, but what I have no idea, and for the last month I feel like limbo. It is frustrating, I wish I had some wild insight, or some overall inspirational thought, but in the end I feel like I am being consumed by work and school, and everything else, and it is all just like waving, a mindless reaction of day to day life. Maybe it is just stress talking, and I simply need to buckle down for the next half of the semester, or just burnout in general. In the end, basically I have this constant feeling like I am the square peg, being rammed into a round whole, and can't find the square hole where I belong. I guess that is life, and it creates an interesting conundrum for me to analyze, and I know I will keep trudging along, but if God has something for me, I wish I could figure it out, and get out of this spin out.