Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The disconnect of the reconnect

In my walk with Christ there are many hard things, in my life of school there are hard things, in the walk with myself there seem like impossible things. I sometimes look around me and see people, and immediately start to analyze, people, at times without realizing it, except in the training of a Psychologist, we are trained to diagnose problems, not to determine, and for the most part we observe normal people to find their weaknesses, mainly to see the very things we see wrong with ourselves. It is almost a humbling mechanism for me, to bring me back. Realize I on my high horse of understanding and being able to start to comprehend the state of mind, I am just as if not more crazy than they are, but at the same time, in all our knowledge we can never overcome our greatest adversary of our own inadequacies. For me the greatest recently has been a challenge of place, especially in my faith, and balancing it with life and school. I sometimes get this isolationist mood, where I just feel like I am alone and I am the only one who understands, because I admit I push myself harder than I should, it is who I am. I have to give the 150% all the time otherwise I feel like I am accomplishing nothing. But I have recently brought that down, but with my illness a couple weeks ago, I fell behind and it was an uphill battle on an escalator heading down to catch up. For this reason with the recovery I have been trying to push myself, yet not too hard, which is a virtual impossibility, and so of course the recovery has been slow, and it seems my minutes and seconds seem to never be enough. In this time a couple of previously mentioned issues with my faith has come up, and recently I have felt kind of just in limbo. I couldn't quite identify it, it was just like I was always two steps behind myself. To add to it, I have been in a hard place in finding where do I belong, especially in my faith, it seems the hardest part of my life is that I have never had a place, or a group that I truly belong, I more exist, if I come I am welcome, but am never truly a connected part, this is ongoing with me, but it just has been kind of lonely lately, not so much of a physical nature but more emotional, especially with God, because it is not like I don't do God stuff, I do tons of stuff with Bible studies, serving churches, going to church, and church groups, but I was running the actions, I was running around him, without actually sitting down and talking to him.
Last night I found out I am not alone in at least one of these things, at UteNited I heard someone who I saw as “Spiritually Invincible” (I know none of us are, but I have a tendency to sometimes give people that realizing they are human, but always just connected), admit that even they sometimes just start running the course, and doing all the stuff, but forget to maintain a close connection to God, and become a bit detached. And suddenly I was like, LIGHT BULB, and I realized I was so busy running around God, that I forgot to stop and commune with God. It was awesome and I never got a chance to thank him that night, because it shifted my paradigm, I felt that much less alone in this universe, I wasn't the only who feels disconnected. It was kinda freeing.
At this moment I am once again reminded that God is always there, especially in the tough times just knocking and waiting, and loving, and still there to help, just waiting for us to even just give a wisp of needing his help, for him just dump blessings. Yes God is that AWESOME.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Difficult Debate (Adaptation) Theistic Evolution vs. Old Creationism

Recently a great debate has blind sided me, that is leaving me somewhat torn in my mind. I have spent many years of my life studying many subjects intellectual and many Christian subjects, and have found the greatest of all gifts, the gift of Grace, a greater relationship with my God, and until now my path as a Christian, though winding, has been one awesome discovery after another into expanding my understanding of the gospel of Christ. That was until recently, I am at a stand still in an argument that seems to me to be a sore subject to many, and has been a thorn in my mind in that it is a discussion I have decided, yet it is being challenged by those who I am close to.Recently my church The Rock, has started a series about Genesis, and from the get go the train wreck began as one of my core beliefs, and understandings, was immediately attacked, and the nerve was struck HARD, that is the debate of Old Creationism vs. Theistic Evolution.I have spent a good part of my life, due to my parents mostly my mother fascinated by science, and a total respect for God's part in it, and especially in it's creation. From as far back as I can remember I have looked through microscopes, and went to museums, I spent many summers doing little science projects, from astronomy, to physics, to biology. Also many memories of going to Dinosaur National Park, looking at the fossils, I was so fascinated that I read and studied paleontology, to this day I can name and recognize a large majority of the different dinosaurs, what period they came from, I loved it so much I spent a good majority of my life wanting to become a Paleontologist, and still think about it as a retirement option.At the same time I studied the word of God, I have studied the bible, and have read Genesis many times, as well as the rest of the Bible. And through this after many years, I have seen the great power of God in nature, and have seen the majesty of the world and all the creations of God, but I have seen the power of God creating laws physical, spiritual and combing them to show his majesty and glory, and control of them in establishing the laws of nature that I believe he follows because they are his creation. Long ago I developed an understanding, and a belief that God may not have created the world in 7 days but that does not put any less restraints on his power, that 7 days is a symbol of God and his infinite power.But now I have been accused of saying that I am compromising some of my belief in God and a part of the relationship with God and am undermining his power. Because there is no way that the creation as described in Genesis could be symbolic, unless I take the whole bible as symbolic. Which I see is absurd and completely ignorant thinking. I am accused of claiming symbolism where symbolism is not present, and compromising my belief in the bible, which not to offend, is absurd and ignorant to say.Now this is not the first time this debate has come up, I have defended my position many times, even on the floor of debate. In college I participated in a couple of debates, granted I was still LDS, which the same subject is just as controversial, yet now I am being all but called a heretic in the Christian faith for believing the world is round, and we orbit the sun. To me Old Creationism\Intellectual Design, is the same plague that has plagued Christianity for centuries, and it is the arrogance and undermining of God, by man trying to box him up and tell him he has to adapt to our beliefs, not his infinite power of creation of his Laws of science he created, that we have in reality only skimmed the surface. Yet are learning more and more, delving into the majesty of his power, and discovering how we can alter manipulate and learn to understand, and at the same time realize the more we try and control, the less we really understand. To me the words of Albert Einstein ring most true now “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”. I put my faith in God, and believe in his infinite power and wisdom, which is why I put my faith in his book, the bible, and his power to create his powerful laws of science that he controls yet follows, where the creation story is full of symbolism, used repeatedly throughout the bible, and demostrated as such, creating imagery that we as ignorant humans could understand, and relate too (especially since time didn't even operate the same back than, than for us). Yet I would say, the Bible is full of serious and symbolism, I would never take Songs of Solomon literally, or many parts of Isaiah, but a symbolism, but I don't doubt God created a flood over the Earth in Noah's Ark, Moses parting the Red Sea, or many miracles, spiritual and physical combined. And I especially believe in God as an all powerful God, a perfect God that loves us, and my only salvation through his Grace. But it troubles me that people I see and brothers and sisters in Christ, would blatantly challenge my faith over a matter that is not our Salvation, and judge my belief in Christ and the Bible, over a matter that is not related to salvation, but an interesting subject to look at. If I offend anyone it is not my intention, but to voice my mind, voice what concerns me with a judgmental point of view, that is mainly political. But I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ and you're all great, but on this point I fear I will never agree, for me science may not always be right, but it has its place with God, only flawed by human failure. Luckily we are saved by a GREAT and LOVING GOD, and his INFINITE AWESOME GRACE! For this I am one of his own and I serve him with all my might, and follow his word even in my short comings, that he has saved me from.